Wednesday, 3 August 2011

"Paper Gangsta"

This is the work of installation artist and photographer, Sazeli Jalal. This beauty series, titled “Paper Gangsta” was inspired by origami. I am in awe of the perfect craftsmenship of each piece, and how each image challenges the perception of beauty and fashion. I love the colour palette and the emotive expression from the model, it's all very inspiring.

'Sweet Meat'

2 spoons or 1?
Sweet Meat’ by German photographer Jasmine Schuller is a series using real meat to create these rather delicious looking desserts. I say delicious, but when looking closer I'm pretty sure I can spot a crab's claw posing as a Flake, mince meat for ice cream balls and a suspicious looking 'drizzle' that I now realise isn't strawberry. 
If anything is going to make me shed the pounds, it would be keeping this in mind when ordering desserts and opt for the fruit skewers instead.
From a creative POV though, I like it. It's unique, eye catching and reminds me a bit of Helmut Newton's 1974 shoot with Geri Hall and more recently with GaGa's meaty escapades.

All Eyes On You

St. Lucia - The Old House is Gone.
South African artist only known as St. Lucia, signed to HeavyRoc Music label (ironic when you have a listen) is one of those artists that when you find them, you feel like you've opened Pandora's Box or taken a trip to Diagon Alley. The song is very moving, and sends me to all sorts of creative places. There are such distinctive musical shapes and happy sounds that seem to dance about in my head every time I listen.
I guess if you can't get to a massive beach party in the Tropics, you can fake it by putting in your headphones, shutting your eyes and pretending you're one of those lucky people in that picture.
Definitely one to watch.