Sunday, 6 March 2011

Can a picture be rewound?

Another beauty from BFL. I wish I could find the directors and stylists for his videos, they really deserve more credit. Although the lyrics are quite simple and not really that imaginative, the video allows for a much deeper story to be told.

His videos really get me thinking quite deeply about things - in case you couldn't already tell! A photograph is such a powerful document. It captures a moment. A moment which is impossible to recreate exactly again, we will always be feeling or thinking something different each time. I think that the video focuses on the idea of 'rewind' and 'destruction', both ideas that cleverly link to each other. Destruction is a negative, rewind is a positive, and the notion of both a photographic mind and the physical photographic document helps us to do this.

If you rip up a photograph, will this rewind and destroy the memory? No. If you take a new photograph, will this create and bloom a new memory? Yes. The man wripping the feathers from the bird is a perfect example of the destructive nature of photography. It has the power to destroy great people but the power to create great people too.

The snake is quite a cryptic symbol within the concept - at first I was unsure what the significance of it was. However as I sit here at my desk and think, I link it to the idea of memories being trapped and constricted into the constraints of the photograph and the mind - They are kept in there forever, but can never be destroyed.

Maybe I should go into this music video-making business...meh one day I hope.

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